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Glück wünschen – professionell und empfängerorientiert

Glückwünsche sind eine nette Gelegenheit, in Ihrer Fremdsprache kreativ zu werden. Somit erfüllen Glückwünsche gleich zwei Zwecke: Sie festigen Ihre Kundenbeziehung und sie sind eine Trainingseinheit abseits der täglichen Schreibroutine. Hier ein paar Ratschläge, die Ihnen die Aufgabe erleichtern.

Wenn Sie ein echter Networker werden wollen, lassen Sie keine Gelegenheit aus, bestehende Kontakte zu pflegen und zu vertiefen.

Dazu gehören Glückwünsche zu wichtigen und/oder persönlichen Gelegenheiten.

Drei Erfolgsfaktoren für Glückwünsche

Grundsätzlich gilt für Glückwünsche:

  1. Angemessenheit an den Anlass, den Empfänger und vielleicht auch noch an Ihre Person ist oberstes Gebot.
  2. Ein Aufhänger erleichtert die Arbeit.
  3. Nutzen Sie die Hilfsmittel Internet und Buch.

Und wenn Sie „nur so“, ohne Einladung, gratulieren wollen, etwa weil die Hochzeit oder der runde Geburtstag in der Ferne, im kleinen Kreis stattfindet, können Sie selbst aktiv werden und einen Aufhänger suchen.

But be careful: Not every joke is suitable as a hook for congratulations.

Glückwunsch zum runden Geburtstag

Let us invent an example: Your boss wants to send a congratulations letter to an American business partner who is celebrating his 60th birthday.

The two of them have met several times and spent some time together on the courses in your boss´s area and in America as well.

Der symbolträchtige Aufhänger

Playing seems to be a perfect hook, as it is a symbol of quality of life and standard of living as well as for relaxation and finding new focuses for the future.

What can you make out of this?

Three ways to handle the hook

  1. You can take “golf” as a keyword for a quote search on the internet or in one of your books.
  2. You can ask your boss for a funny but friendly anecdote on playing with this partner. 
  3. You can look for a present concerning “and build up your letter around this present.
  • We have already practiced the first method, so you know how to use it.
  • The second method depends on whether your boss can remember a story worth referring to, for example: The partner has had a “hole in one” on your boss´s home golf course. You could address him as a person who has already shown perfection on a foreign ground before turning 60 and ask what could be expected of him now he is older and even more wise and has more time to practice.
  • Look for a guide to the most beautiful courses around the world and combine it with best wishes for a lot of time for travelling and enjoying life. Or choose a book on golf and send it with wishes for a lot of time for reading and practicing. 
Musterbrief: Glückwunsch zum 60. Geburtstag

Dear Peter:

I couldn’t believe it when I heard you will be turning 60 next week.

We have known each other for 15 years now and have been through thick and thin together in business. It’s sometimes been a bit rough, but we had a lot of fun as well, especially on the golf course. You surely will remember your hole in one on the Fairfield Ground, which cost me a bottle of Scotch Single Malt Whisky?

I have found a nice book with the most beautiful courses in the world for you and wish you luck and health for the next 40 years so you can play them all! Congratulations, and have a wonderful party! I’m looking forward to our next meeting and game of golf.

Sincerely yours,

Lukas Hermanns

Doris Bader

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